When one door closes, another opens. We've all heard that old bromide, and it isn't any less true for being hoary. The challenge has always been, so what now? How do we find the open door, and how do we even get ourselves in a frame of mind to begin looking for it? Your work is the missing piece of the puzzle. It says`, "This is how you do it."

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Thank you, Bob, for the poetic and practical reflection! I feel a poem coming on - all inspired by your reply! ;-)

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A modern economy circulating products and services throughout the world doesn’t need money or sovereign countries (national currencies) to be successful. Today, we’ve the scientific knowledge and technological skills to convert our natural and artificial resources into daily, life-sustaining deliverables: food, housing, education, healthcare, infrastructure, employment, and other important demands. What we lack is unity, a global framework built upon fair and humane laws and safe and healthy industrial practices. I hypothesize that humanity can end poverty and reduce pollution by abandoning wealth and property rights, and instead adopt and implement an advanced resource management system built to provide “universal protections for all”. Replacing traditional political barriers altogether, this type of approach, which I named facts-based representation, allows us a better way to govern ourselves and our communities. In other words, collective decision-making processes based on the latest information that, in turn, improve the outcomes impacting our everyday personal and professional lives.


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Hi Alex . . .

I am a visionary as well. In fact, as I read your thought provoking and deep comment, my eyes read "in other worlds", instead of "in other words". What you suggest is truly biomimic - taking the best of ecosystem thinking. But, we find our selves as human animals with too much potential, given the vastness of the human mind to contemplate the universe and the impacts of abandonment.

Dr. Viktor Frankel, who was a surviving holocaust surviver and psychologist, came to recognize that "meaning" is the central driver of the human soul. Without attaining that from a heart centered ascension in consciousness, humans grasp at pleasure, power, and ultimately violence to touch it. We see that all over the place today in modern life.

As long as we raise babies to adults in a manner that distracts from love and meaning, what you dream of will remain elusive. We must start by reaching out to touch the hearts of every human, and especially men, who are denied access to their hearts as a manner of social conditioning.

Europe is full of spectacular antiquities, cathedrals and art all designed to feed the hungry soul and make the connection to spirit. I do wish we had more of that here in the US> But, truly, perhaps, all one really needs is a day in the grass watching butterflies before the moon rises and the fire flies come out to dance . . .

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Funny you should mention that author, I just gave my son for his birthday Man’s Search for Meaning. ❤️

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I just got the chills!

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